Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Be Greatful for Life!!

Happy Holiday's everyone. I want to express my thanks today. My thanks for LIFE (no not the magazine) life!! Living everyday! Nothing could be more wonderful.

Lately each and every morning I wake up enthused to get up and get going. I literally so thrilled for what the day has in store for me.

Now I know some of you out there might dread the alarm clock and want to hide under the covers all day. Boy are you missing out!

The world is full of so many wonderful things. So many challenges, puzzles, and games that need to be solved, conquered and completed.

How exciting is that!

Each and every life is so precious and we only have so much time to do with it what we will. Ok so perhaps you don't share my same sediments. Your not alone, but you don't have to be that way.

I am an artist, but I don't just create works of art. I create all sorts of stuff. And that right there is the key to life. Creating stuff. I swear it is the most exciting and happy producing element on the planet.

If you are not happy I charge you to go out and Create something. Draw a picture, write a song, build a castle whatever, just create something of value.

And if you are up for a challenge here are the big ones. They are definately more challenging but the rewards are astounding. Create a family (this is way more than just having babies and probably the toughest one out there, but oh the blessings!), create a business, company, or enterprise! I cannot tell you how exciting this is.

If you haven't any ideas leave a comment. I'll give you one. I have too many.

Merry Christmas, Bridget

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